Google Dork Automation Tool(Goot)

Harsh soni
2 min readSep 18, 2022


I made a tool for google dork automation

What things can my tool do?

Usage: python3 -u <url> <arguement> <value>
-u | — url <url> || url of the target site
-e | — everything || to print every link
-x | — extension || to print links with following extension ‘.log, .logs, .cfg, .pl, .keystore, .js, .sql, .bak, .py, .env, .json, .properties, .pem, .yml, .yaml, .aspx, .sh, .asp, .zip, .jks’
-c | — custom-extension <extensions> || to print all link with your desired extension || eg: -c pdf,docx,pptx
-t | — in-title <string> || to print links if your desired string is in title
-l | — in-url <string> || to print links if your desired string is in url
-a | — all-in-text <string> || to print links if your desired string is in website
-s | — save <desired_filename> || to save the output
-h | — help || to print all the command

google dork automation tool
  1. It can be used to print every link of a particular domain available on google
  2. It can be used to print links with a specific file extension in a particular domain available on google
  3. It can be used to find all link that contains a specific string in (URL/TITLE/SITE) of a particular domain in google

GitHub link for the tool

goot github

Automation helps everyone to speed up their work.

but I think my code got some drawbacks

2 major ones are:

  1. little bit slow
  2. not using a proxy to hide a user’s IP address or to avoid getting a ban

if you can help me with dealing with this problem then you can contact me here



Harsh soni
Harsh soni

Written by Harsh soni

Sharing Technological info.🎃

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